About Me

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I am 2 years old and am a well grown matured PUG. I like my master and my entire family.In my family, i have a half sister JOY who is a female puppy rescued from the street and a half brother who is younger to me by few days also a pug called VAYU the pug, Vayu is unlike me and very hyper active, he also writes blogs like me. Well some feel I am a bit on the heavier side, so i go for very long walks daily twice. I like pedigree, drools and chicken. I think I am the leader and my blog should be titled 'VINNI THE KING PUG'- What do u say?

7 July 2012


Being Loyal is inborn to our species. Dogs have been friends to humans from ages. They acted as guards to protect master and his house even before the concept of sentries existed. Even some banks like the syndicate bank, use the Alsatian Dog as a symbol of protector of money.

We like to be loyal because we like our master. Our master is like god to us and he is our only known god.
There are several heroic stories of our ancestors saving their masters from dangers.
But when it comes to me, yes accepted that I am not a doggie symbol for bravery, but I can be a great emotional support to my master. I understand my masters moods and behave accordingly. I am silent if my master is serious and jubilant if they are celebrating at home. Apart from this, I react to the sound of pin to plane that crosses our house even in dread est of nights.

Well that is what I call Loyalty. I stand for it by every bit to be worthy of being a dog.